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ABOUT Shivalik Institute of Ayurved & Research
Welcome to Shivalik Institute Of Ayurveda
Shivalik Institute of Ayurved & Research (S.I.A.R), is a centre of excellence for erudition of Ayurved & Research and sculptures skillful and knowledgeable PHYSICIANS to achieve holistic health in the community, serving the mankind with spiritual approach.
Our Courses
The BAMS Degree will aim at producing graduates, having profound knowledge of Ashtanga Ayurved supplemented.. Read More
Download Form
You can download application form, admission form and mandatory disclosure forms for Ayurveda Courses... Read More

Admission Now
Admission Open For Session 2024-25
From Principal's Desk
Wisdom of Ayurved is sacred and brought in humanity through tradition of Guru – Shishya parampara for welfare of all the living beings. The necessity of Ayurveda has grown today; more than any time in history and is across the globe. We have thus taken up an accountable task of continuing the Guru – Shishya Parampara in spreading knowledge of Ayurveda. As accountable and sacred; we are very sincere about the task in hand. We are making sure that we impart the quality education in Ayurveda along with skill development and personality development of the students; necessary for excellence in field of Ayurved. We intend to do the same with modern technological aids; without leaving our traditional values and discipline of teaching the science of life.

Purpose of Siarayurveda
Ayurveda Education through trained and experienced faculty
Clinical Services through trained and experienced clinicians
Promote research in
field of Ayurveda. -
Treatment through basic principles of Ayurveda.
Best protocols
in manufacturing of
medicine preparations. -
Spread awareness of Ayurveda diet through students
Mission and Vision
To create, analyze, implement and inspect standard parameters of quality and excellence in Ayurveda education, research and clinical services.
To establish the Institute as center of excellence for Academic training in field of Ayurveda on global platform trough education, research and clinical services.
Our Placements
Our Institute gives the great opportunities to young talented students, who did qualify their degree / diploma in Ayurveda. We place our students for their Practical training in Hospitals and Pharmacies to get respectable jobs in various Colleges, Hospitals and Pharmacies.
Contact With Us
Shivalik Institute Of Ayurved & Research,
Jhajra, P.O. Jhajra, Chakarata Road, Dehradun (U.K) –248001
Admisssion Cell No.
+91-7895022224, +91-9105000809 +91-9105000810, +91-9412324800,